Fri. Dec 27th, 2024

Serie A League Attributes Goals to Anguissa and Rrahmani in Napoli’s Match

Serie A League Attributes Goals to Anguissa and Rrahmani in Napoli’s Match

In the recent match between Napoli and Genoa, two contentious goals were scored during the first half. The Serie A League has made an initial ruling on these goals, attributing them to Napoli players rather than classifying them as own goals.

The first goal was credited to Anguissa, while the second was awarded to Rrahmani. This decision results in both players receiving a +3 to their goal tallies. Additionally, Neres and Lobotka have been credited with assists for these goals.

It’s important to note that this is an initial decision made by the League immediately following the match. Further review may potentially lead to changes in the future.

By Vihaan Mehrotra

In the heart of Bangalore lives and works Vihaan Mehrotra, one of modern India's most insightful sports analysts. His childhood passion for cricket and field hockey evolved into a successful career. His daily column in Bangalore's digital media covers all significant world sporting events, from cricket matches to badminton tournaments. As a sports betting expert, he developed his own methodology for analyzing team statistics. His IPL match predictions are renowned for their 75% accuracy rate.

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